How to measure curtains

The width
You should always specify the total width of the curtain with the fabric flattened out when ordering.
A good rule of thumb is that 2 meters of fabric covers about 1 meter of window when using pleats or waves.

The height
Always specify the height of the hemmed curtain when ordering. If the curtain is to hang freely just above the floor, you should leave a small margin, so in general subtract about 1 cm from the height. We have included this in the measurements below. Remember to measure in several places, in case the floor/ceiling isn’t quite level! Should you get different measurements, use the smallest measurement.
In addition to this, when ceiling mounting subtract a few centimeters from the total ceiling height as different rails and hooks position the curtain different distances from the ceiling.
To make it as easy as possible for you to know the height deduction to make, we have calculated the total deduction based on the track and type of hook you choose. Below you will find our recommendations for each combination of curtain track and hook.
Please note that these are our recommendations based on the curtain ending just above the floor. You can, of course, choose a higher or shorter length according to your preference, for instance, if you prefer the curtain to rest on the floor.
Short neck hook: 2 cm
Long neck hook: 3,5 cm
Wave/rufflette hook: 3,5 cm
Long neck hook: 2cm
Wave/rufflette hook: 2cm
Double hotel-rail
Long neck hook: 2cm
Wave/rufflette hook: 2cm
Motorized Rail Electra Flex
Long neck hook: 4cm
Wave/rufflette hook: 4cm
Short neck hook: 3,5 cm
Long neck hook: 4 cm
Wave/rufflette hook: 4 cm
Bendable skena
Short neck hook: 1,5 cm
Long neck hook: 5 cm
Wave/rufflette hook: 5 cm
Short neck hook: 2 cm
Long neck hook: 3,5 cm
Wave/rufflette hook: 3,5 cm
Motorized Rail Electra Silent
Long neck hook: 4cm
Wave/rufflette hook: 4cm
Multi-track rail (Not hotel-rail!)
Long neck hook: 3 cm
Wave/rufflette hook: 3 cm
Long neck hook, 2 prong: 2,5cm
Long neck hook, 4 prong: 2,5cm
Long neck hook, 1 prong: 3cm
Wave/rufflette hook: 3cm
Pull cord rail
Short neck hook: 1 cm
Long neck hook: 4 cm
Wave/rufflette hook: 5 cm
Trend Plus
Long neck hook, 1 prong: 3cm
Long neck hook, 2 prong: 3,5cm
Wave/rufflette hook: 4cm